Scrubs & Aromatherapy

Every 30 days, your dog's skin cells are shed and replaced. However, as they age, the turn over rate slows down to 60 days. This build up of dead skin cells can make your pet more prone to skin problems as they are.

Scrubs are used for dry, flaky or yeasty skin, where exfoliation is needed. Helping to slough off the old/dead skin cells.

Info Card
Info Card

Sugar Scrubs exfoliate dry, flaky skin while conditioning the skin & coat and increases blood circulation. This helps to rejuvenate the skin and help increase the turn over rate.

Dark Brown Sugar & Raw Sugar contain Vitamin B. Vitamin B improves the keratin infrastructure (the basic protein that make3s up hair), strengthening the hair and skin. 

Dead Sea Salt and Mud contain 26-28 naturally occuring minerals. This provides essential minerals which soothes sore joints and muscles; helping to heal irritated skin. It is good for use on skin that has infection potential as it draws out toxins, soothes, and reduces inflammation and itchiness. This scrub can be used on excessively oily coats, itchy allergy feet, and to help get rid of pimply bumps.

Due to the relatively small size of the molecules in essential oils, they have the ability to penetrate the cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues in a matter of minutes. When a fragrance is inhaled, the olfactory membranes trap the odour molecules, stimulating electrical impulses in the limbic system of the brain. This system is directly connected to parts of the brain that control stress levels, anxiety, depression, fear, anger, joy, and hormone balances. 


Please note that although scrubs and aromatherapy are a good and natural way to "assist" with health issues/conditions, they are NOT a cure all or a replacement for veterinary care/treatments. They are meant to assist with the recovery and prevention only.

If you have any concerns about the health of your pet, please consult with your veterinarian.